Senator Plummer Statement on Election Bill Ruling

State Senator Jason Plummer (R-Edwardsville) released the below statement following a judge’s ruling to issue a temporary injunction on the enforcement of the controversial new election law (created by SB2412), which barred the slating of candidates:

“This law was a blatant power grab aimed at tipping the scales in favor of one party. I think it’s been clear all along that it is unconstitutional to try change the rules in the middle of an election cycle and stifle the will of the voters. I am optimistic that this is the first step toward getting this law thrown out and restoring free and fair elections. The citizens of Illinois should have the right to choose who they want to vote for and, after their undemocratic gerrymandering of multiple levels of government, it is long past time the majority party shows some respect to the voters of our state.”

Jason Plummer

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