Senator Plummer Statement on Budget

State Senator Jason Plummer (R-Edwardsville) released the below statement following the Senate’s passage of a Fiscal Year 2025 budget:

“The people and businesses of this state would have been bankrupt long ago if they ran their finances like Governor Pritzker handles state spending. He has increased spending 36% in just a few years in office, fueled by federal money that has now run out. Now, instead of making tough decisions and trimming excess, he has decided to increase spending to new record levels, this time fueled by a billion dollars in tax hikes.

“What do Illinoisans get in return for the Governor’s profligate spending? A billion dollars in tax hikes that will crush their finances. Meanwhile, as they struggle to buy food and pay for things like healthcare, the Governor continues to throw money at his self-created immigrant crisis to the tune of more than a billion dollars per year.

“The people of Illinois deserve better. Unfortunately, they won’t get it this year, thanks to the Governor and his allies who just can’t stop treating the people of Illinois like their personal piggy bank.”

Jason Plummer

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