Child-murderer released by Prisoner Review Board, now listed as a fugitive
The latest convicted felon released by the Prisoner Review Board is now a fugitive, leaving parole officers searching for the man that murdered a teenager,
The latest convicted felon released by the Prisoner Review Board is now a fugitive, leaving parole officers searching for the man that murdered a teenager,
For over two years, 4 of Governor Pritzker’s appointees to the Prisoner Review Board have been serving and deciding whether convicted murders, rapists, sexual predators,
Governor Pritzker is using a procedural maneuver to allow his appointees to the Prisoner Review Board to continuously serve without undergoing the constitutional required confirmation
Following the CDC’s latest guidance, the State of Illinois has updated its Executive Orders and repealed emergency orders regarding face coverings. Thanks to these changes,
Today I spoke against Senate Bill 818, a sex education bill mandating that schools use radical sex education standards when teaching sex education. These standards,
As the spring legislative session approaches its end, budget talks have begun to pick up steam at the Capitol. While negotiations are ongoing, Senator Plummer
Congratulations to the graduating classes of 2021! We are proud of your accomplishments! v
The funds are part of the fourth of six installments that are spread out over three years. So far, more than $1 billion in capital
Between the costs of fighting the COVID-19 pandemic and the state’s built-in structural fiscal issues, the influx of nearly $8 billion in federal money from
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