State Senator Jason Plummer (R-Edwardsville) was recently named as Assistant Republican Leader in the Senate Republican Leadership Team for the 102nd General Assembly.
“I am honored in the confidence Leader McConchie has shown in me through this appointment,” said Sen. Plummer. “I’m looking forward to taking on the responsibility of serving in leadership for the Republican caucus and representing the conservative, common-sense values of the 54th District as we enter into a new General Assembly. It is vitally important to have someone from the Metro East and Southern Illinois represented in legislative leadership and I am proud to be that voice.”
“Sen. Plummer has been a constant voice of fiscal responsibility in government and economic development in our communities throughout his time at the statehouse,” said Illinois Senate GOP Leader Designate Dan McConchie. “I look forward to working with him in his new role as Assistant Republican Leader to expand on these ideas to help create policies to bring more financial health and prosperity to Illinois.”
Senator Plummer has served the 54th Senate District since 2018 and is one of the youngest senators ever appointed to Senate Republican leadership. He will be the only Senator from Southern Illinois serving in senate leadership from either party. Since taking office, Senator Plummer has been a vocal advocate for ethics reform, fiscal reform, and pro-growth policies to bring jobs back to Illinois.
“With Illinois recovering from a pandemic, it is more critical than ever that lawmakers buckle down, embrace real reforms and recognize that the problems of this state will not be fixed with partisan agendas and tax-and-spend policies,” said Sen. Plummer. “I firmly believe that under Senator McConchie’s leadership we can build a strong Republican caucus that will fight for the hardworking families and small businesses of Illinois.”
The appointment will take effect after an official vote on the Illinois Senate floor in January.